Thursday 20 October 2011

Juno and the Paycock:)

Yesterday was great fun:) All TY's went into town for the day to the WB Yeats exibition, the national muesum and libraray and to the Abbey theathre to see a production of the play we read ' Juno and the Paycock'. The bog bodies we saw in the national muesum were really interesting, they were bodies from thousands of years ago perserved in the bog. It was really weird and horrible to see most of their features still there.. one of the bodies even had a tooth! .. lovely-.-
The Wb Yeats muesum was real good aswell, we had to fill out a sheet and i learned alot from it.
Then we went to MACDONALDS!:D It was soo good because everyone was so hungry!
Me, Sarah, Emily , Aoibheann and Sally then went upto Stephans Green to get a shakeaway :D it was so goood, oreos mmmm. After that we went to see Juno and the Paycock:D It was actually much better than I thought it would be! I personally LOVED johnny boyle in it:O Ronan Raftery.. im not a stalker at all...
hahaha. Awh im in love, whatta hunk!
Overall I really enjoyed the day:) Thanks to all the english teachers who organised the trip, Ms Cosgrove, Ms Brogan and Ms Guilfoyle:D

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