Thursday, 27 October 2011

History talk :)

Yesetrday we got a talk about the history of Celbridge from my old primary school principal, Mr. Doohan- whatta man! <3
He wrote a book on the history of celbridge and was in the school to talk to us about it. Most of the stuff he was talking about we already learned in 6th class because he brought us on a tour around celbridge. It was still very interesting though. You always forget how much history is attached to Celbridge so it was nice to listen to:) I find the history behind castletown house, the main street and the mill really interesting. 
I would definitley reccommend his book it's 12 euro and on sale now!


  1. Hi Rebekah,
    I was wondering what is celbridge... I assume you like history! :)

  2. Celbridge is the town we live in :)
