Thursday, 29 March 2012

Freee class

We have a free IT class cos Ms L is not in. I don't really know what to blog about !
Last night was the annual music night. It is a night organised by the music department in the school . There is performances from music students in each year. Everyone was great! Our class Fódla did Wake me up before you go go.. one word.. FAIL! it was so bad and emabressing oh god, cringiest night ever!
Suppose it's the taking part that counts.....
I can't wait for EASTER! Two weeks off woooo :) We get our holidays tommorow, Hopefully the weather stays sunny , it has been amazing all week, like 21 degrees :O We had french class outside the other day it was actually soo much fun, Think I even got sunburnt on my cheeks! In March? who would've thought..
Ahhh I actually have so much work to do for tommorow ! I have to do finish creative writing essay, english homework, geography project , and do mini company stuff , arggggh. Ty has made me so lazy !
I wanna start reading the hunger games over easter ! everyone says it's amazing, plus we're suppposed to be reading it in english sooo maybe I should get a move on.. the nI can see the movie once ive read it haha!
Well anyways that's pretty much all I have to say really.. Slaaaan ( it's bye in irish ;)  )

Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Blog Challange :)

Here is a blog post written in french. This is one of Ms.L's blog challanges! Its not right, there is probably alot of mistakes but here it is.. !
Je m'appelle Rebekah. J'ai seize ans et demi. Je suis en année de transition et c'est une blog challange! Je viens de Celbridge et J'habite á Celbridge aussi. Mon anniversaire est le vingt -quatre de Mai. Je serai dix-sept ans.
J'adore année de transition. C'est trés bien. Je Fais beaucoup de choses. Nous allons allés au Carlingford dans le Septembre et c'etait fantistique! la semaine dernière je suis allés au mon stage un enterprise. Je suis allés une école primaire. Je me suis trés bien amusé. Je travaille avec les enfants.
Merci, Au revoir!!!

Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Practise makes perfect!

This week we have been practising for our irish drama called 'Padraicin is ainm dom' It is a play about drugs and is not coming together very well because its soo confusing and the other tys we are showing are not gonna understand ! I am playing a part of a boy called Johno who is supposed to be a 'hardman' from Dublin along with emma who is playing Tomasin,my cousin from the country ! haha
We are also rehearsing for the music night which will take place next wednesday night. Our class will be doing a song called 'Wake Me Up' by Wham. It is a fun , energetic song and we even have a dance to go with it, hopefully its not a diaster!
Have a listen here !

Thursday, 15 March 2012


Yesterday Ty's went to the braveforce assault course in Ashbourne co. Meath. It was exhausting, tough , fun and exciting.. It really challanged me if im honest. It was basically a big field with many obstacles around it like mucky rivers, ditches and things you had to climb up , under and over! The water was absaloutley freezing, i couldent feel anything from my waist down!
some things I coulden't do and it was terrifying!, but I did it anyway even if it meant a few cuts and bruises.. :L I had never ever been so cold and mucky in my life!! Overall it was a great day out with the rest of ty and I actually really enjoyed it, It wa something I never thought ide be able to do and I feel I really achieved something anyway :)


Tuesday, 13 March 2012

I can hear the drums..

Last week, Ty's took part in a percussion workshop in the library with a man called Dave:) Fódla did theirs on Tuesday for the whole day, it was good fun!
Drum and percussion workshops are designed to give people more insight into the cultural back ground of the instruments and there use in Traditional music. The aim is to teach rhythms and drumming skills in a similar way to learning it from a traditional drum teacher. I found this really interesting as I didn't really know anything about that type of music.
We learned different traditional tunes on all the drums from big ones to little ones all of them making different sounds, loud but really entertaining at the same time! We also got try out other instruments like the tambourine and the cowbells, I really enjoyed this!
here is a picture of the drums that we got to use!:)

Thursday, 8 March 2012

Work Experience Week 2 :)

Last week Ty's were on work experience. This was our second week of it, the first one was in November. I was in Scoil Mochua. It is a primary school in Celbridge. It is my old school so it was good to go back to work there! For the week I was given a timetable by my superviser with a variety of different things to do with junior infants up to 6th class :) It was really good to see some of the teachers I had when I was younger! The main things I did with the kids were art,pe,science, maths and english. The children were all so cute and co-operated well and made me feel so welcome in the school!
I also was helping the vice principal in her office by sorting out books in the library and distributing them to different classes, counting money for their annual Readathon for charity, putting up and taking down posters in the corriders and supervising the younger kids in the yard at lunchtime :) The week flew in and before I knew it my last day had come!:(  It was so sad to leave everyone as you get so attached to them! haha. Overall I really enjoyed the week!