Friday, 16 September 2011


On Sunday night we were all excited to get up at 6AM for the bus to carlingford! Yes as weird as that sounds , I was willing to get up that early.. We arrived at Carlingford at about 9 and got divided up into our teams that we would be doing various challanges with throughout the 2 days:) I loved my group , it was the best buzz ever! woooo
We then got stuck in straight to the activites , the first ones we did were sort of teamwork challanges which were great fun:D they included going into a pitch dark maze called 'communication breakdown' with my team  and we had to find our way out, with great difficulty and our codenames 'penguins' 'peacocks' and 'elephants'. Our instructer wayne made a bet with our team that we wouldent win all our challanges , if we didnt win we would all have to eat our dinner with our hands , if we did win he had to, unfortunetly we lost the bet and we had to eat with our faces which was quite awkward but funny at the same time:) 
After that we went out to the forest and did lasers , this was so much fun and I really enjoyed that definitely one of my favourites despite being unexplainily exhausted and in great need of a nap! (Emilys a witness to that.) To finish off the first day in carlingford we got our rooms which I loved cos we were away from the centre and I got to share a room with all my friends:) We went on a nightline walk which was good crack in the forest again , this time when it was pretty dark and blindfolded which was fun:D After that then we went back to the common room and had the bant with another boys school which was a blast:)
After  an hilarious sleepless night, we headed down to the centre for breakfast and start another day in carlingford:) This time we started off with orienteering. We had to walk up the mountains, up steep hills and through little rivers and search for letters to crack a code at the end of the hike. If the trip has thought me anything , its that Im so scared of sheep! sheepophobia , if thats a word?:S To finish off our trip we did rock climbing and absailing, the sound of this did not sound fun because i dont like heights! It was suprisingly so good though and I even got to the top! YAAAY! 
Sadly it was time to come home:( Safe to say it was the best possible way to start TY off:) Definitley a a great 2 days to remember!

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