Last Tuesday ,January 24th 2012 All Transition Year students went to Mullingar in Co.Westmeath to see our fellow TY's perform in a drama competition.
Since our class Fodla was not taking part we had the stress free, relaxing job of being the audience. Before classes Banba and Eiru started their dramas we had to point out any flaws they had, which was a little bit hard as I found it really hard to fault any of them but with a bit of constructive criticism from us they perfected their plays. I found alot of the characters needed to project their voices more to the audience as we found it difficult to hear them.
First up was class Eiriu with their adaptation of the famous Seamus Heaney poem 'Midterm Break'. I found this interesting because I studied this poem for my junior cert. This poem was fantastically acted out by the girls on stage and they really brought the poem to life. it is a truly heartbreaking ,sad poem which deals with death so it was very emotional acting going on.
Another drama in class Eiriu was based on the song 'Concrete Angel' which is in my opinion is one of the saddest songs ever! It is about a little girl who is being abused and eventually dies as a result of being beaten to death by her mother. Isabelle did an amazing job of playing the part of the father. She did a monologue towards the end of the play at the little girls funeral which really pulled at my heart strings and there was no doubt that there weren't many dry eyes in the house! Background music was also added into this play which made it a million times more effective. The lighting in both plays were also used very well and really made them professional. All I can say is well done girls!
Next up was class Banba. Again they took on quite depressing , emotional issues in their dramas which shocked me as I wasen't aware of the abilty of acting in our year! My favourite one was 'Tich Miller' inspired by the poem by Wendy Cope. This dealt with the topic of bullying which is always a very sad storyline in my opinion. Tich who was played by Vicky did an amazing job portaying the main character , Tich Miller. Her costume was exactly as described in the poem , It was almost as if she had jumped out of the poem and onto the stage! The poem describes the everyday life Tich faced in school from the bullies. It was brilliantly re-anacted by the girls in Banba and by the last line of the poem I could almost feel myself welling up.. Emilys a witness! "Tich died when she was twelve" I have to say this line of the poem got me. Again the lighting and music used in this play was very effective here and added to my enjoyment of the production, even if I was an emotional mess!
After that we went to MACDONALDS! This was the highlight of my day.. speaking on behalf of all TY's here! We stuffed our faces and headed out to wonder the streets of Mullingar (litrially). Emily then spotted the Joe Dolan statue and got a tad to over excited! She took a picture of it and certainly embraced the moment alright.. Oh well at least it cheered us up about not going to One Direction that night!
Overall A great ty outing was had by all. Well done girls, you were all fabulous ,Hollywood watch out!